Harp | Clarinet | Soprano | Double Bass


The Hermes Experiment received the Young Artist Award at the Royal Philharmonic Society Awards 2021 more here

The Hermes Experiment’s 2nd album SONG is OUT NOW on Delphian Records

featuring songs by Barbara Strozzi, Clara Schumann, Lili Boulanger, Kerry Andrew, Olivia Chaney, Philip Venables, Soosan Lolavar, Jeremy Thurlow, Eleanor Alberga, Emily Hall

‘Britain’s music scene offers numerous dynamic small-sized groups, but The Hermes Experiment so spellbinding, so imaginative, continue to stand alone’ ★★★★ The Times

‘formidable chamber musicians (…) mesmerising soundworld’ ★★★★ & ★★★★★ BBC Music Magazine

‘Not every group so compelling in live performance translates that magic onto disc. Here’s a brilliant case of one that can’ ★★★★★ The Scotsman

Debussy’s Fantoches (arr. Marianne Schofield) filmed & recording from our homes during lockdown for ROSL’s At Home project:

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News Archive

Ensemble Members

Anne Denholm-Blair


Oliver Pashley


Marianne Schofield

Double Bass

Heloise Werner


Hanna Grzeskiewicz

Hanna Grzeskiewicz

